This year has brought a lot of great (and very fun!) opportunities to connect with various South Florida communities. The spring is usually a hectic outreach time for our team and this year did not disappoint. Our lead scientist Hannah was a guest lecturer for Florida Atlantic University's Marine Science Seminar, presented for the Lake…
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Shark Fishing Tournaments: Rules and Concerns
As a science-based NGO that researches recreational shark fishing we have been aware of the shark fishing tournament scheduled for July 9th in Florida for some months and have been in contact with regulatory agencies to learn more about the rules and regulations so we can make sure to share the most accurate information. Firstly,…
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Saving Sharks: A Series – Finning vs Fin Trade

There are several interpretations of the term “conservation” that cover protecting species from extinction, preventing wasteful uses of a resource to maintaining biological diversity. How we humans go about doing this, reaching these goals, is very much up for debate, and this applies to shark conservation. Those who believe that the current status of some…
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ASC’s Year in Review: 2020

2020 was one for the books. We got off to such a busy start, tagging sharks, giving in-person presentations, planning travel to attend conferences, and then boom! Like everyone else, we were blindsided by a global pandemic that interrupted our outreach and research efforts and all but halted our fundraising plans. We pivoted where we…
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