Jill Brooks is a Ph.D. candidate at the Cooke Lab (Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Lab) at Carleton University undertaking a graduate degree in fisheries science. She is a former Bimini Biological Field Station Lab Manager and Project Coordinator, a co-Principal Investigator for the Jupiter shark project, involved with shark research in the Bahamas and USA since 2007. She has published on various topics from why fish use different depths in freshwater lakes to updating the life history parameters of the Lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris. Jill was third ever winner of the prestigious Eugenie Clark Award, an honor given to "female early-career scientists who demonstrate uncommon perseverance, dedication, and innovation in biological research and public outreach on elasmobranch fishes."
Her published work can be found on her Google Scholar page by clicking HERE