Ornella is a Swiss marine biologist that has been studying shark ecology for the past eleven years. She first got involved in shark research during her internship at the Bimini Biological Field Station (BBFS) in 2009. Fascinated by this experience, she returned to the BBFS in early 2011 to investigate the diet of juvenile lemon sharks for her Master thesis. Following multiple jobs as a research assistant in the US, Seychelles, and French Polynesia, Ornella started her Ph.D. at the French University EPHE in collaboration with the Save Our Seas Foundation - D'Arros Research Centre (SOSF - DRC) and the CRIOBE. She investigated the coexistence of two juvenile reef shark species and the possible effects of competition on the species' ecological niches. After receiving her Ph.D. in summer 2020, Ornella continues to investigate sharks’ trophic ecology, as well as anthropogenic impacts on the ecology and physiology of sharks. In addition, Ornella raises awareness of sharks by sharing her knowledge through public presentations, media engagements, as a scientific expedition leader, and as a mentor and consultant for the American Shark Conservancy. And to learn more about Dr. Weideli's work, visit her website: